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The PLAYworks Spring Holiday Workshop Program is now live !

This Spring we are lucky enough to hold workshops from The Bay Road Collective again! (3 bay rd, Claremont) who also run a wide range of workshops for kids and adults alike - even during term time! Check out all the lovely people who work out of Bay Road on their website, found here.  

All workshops are morning sessions, running from 9am to 12pm, with a break and fruit morning tea provided :) Although we do provide aprons, please make sure your little ones are wearing clothes that can get a little messy. 

For any questions or inquiries, email, or contact Hudson on 0452600373.


Looking forward to seeing you this holidays!


Beautiful Birds

🦜Rustle your feathers, and get ready to create an art piece inspired by the work of Aussie artist Del Kathryn Barton. Using cool watercolour and fine ink, create a  bird portrait that pops! 🦜

Ages 8-13


Brick Masters

🧱Let your child’s creativity flow as they build, break, play and create their way through our series of LEGO® challenges! Construct mighty towers, fast cars, and even work on our collaborative village - this is a workshop perfect for LEGO® enthusiasts. 🧱

Ages 6-11


Jungle Explorers

🌴Get your explorer’s hat on, ready for a morning of Jungle-themed puzzles and creative thinking! With scavenger hunts, jungle-temple challenges, and translating ancient texts 🌴


Ages 7-11


Medieval Mayhem

🏰It’s back to the middle ages - and during the middle of a siege! Construct some of siege equipment of our own, from catapults to gates, ballistas and siege towers. 🏰

Ages 7-12



👾We’re going retro, and re-creating familiar pixellated shapes… with paint! With acrylic on canvas, and a wide array of inspo pieces, create your very own rainbow or space invader👾



Ages 7-12


Precious Pets

🐕Bring along a picture of your pet or favourtite animal, for some pet portraits! Using acrylic and collage on canvas, create a headshot of your furry friend decorated with a name banner, and cut out flora and patterns!🐕

Ages 6-11



🛹 With wooden skateboard decks, paint your very own wall-mountable skateboard! Using Acrylic and spray paint, decorate your own board with urban art-inspired designs 🛹

Ages 6-11

We're always striving to provide new and exciting workshops, please let us know what you think of what we have on offer!

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